Overpwr Review: Is This The Ultimate Appetite Suppressant?

In this Overpwr review, we will talk about the appetite suppressant supplement known as Overpwr. Does it really suppress your appetite, burn your fats, and lose weight naturally?

You will gain weight if you are eating more, especially food high in fats.

It’s tough to battle hunger, especially when you are on a diet. That’s why many companies are now manufacturing fat burners and appetite suppressants. One such product is Overpwr.

Overpwr is an appetite suppressant manufactured by a US-based company named Astral Nutrition.

It comes in a 60-capsule bottle, and the price of one Overpwr pack is 44$. The best place to buy this product is the official website and Amazon.

It’s different from other fat burners in their approach toward weight loss. This formula will cause you to eat less by reducing your urge to eat, while other fat burners contain ingredients that can cause your body to burn more calories.

Overpwr Review (Quick)

  • Product Name: Overpwr Appetite Suppressant
  • Manufacturer: Astral Nutrition
  • Best Price: 44 $
  • Best Place to Buy Overpwr: Official Site

Overpwr Review (Full)

Overpwr is a weight loss supplement that works by reducing your appetite level. It contains ingredients that will help you promote a feeling of fullness and will speed up weight loss.

The Overpwr formula is specially designed for both males and females, and it can be used at any time of the day because it is stimulant-free.

The ingredients present in this supplement will help regulate your blood sugar and increase your metabolic rate. It also inhibits ghrelin secretion, which prevents the “hungry signals” from being triggered by the brain.

These are the tall claims from the manufacturer, but the question is, does it work, and is it worth the money? Let’s find out in this Overpwr review.

Overpwr Ingredients

  • Glucomannan- 500mg
  • Vitamin B12- 125mcg
  • Riboflavin- 10mg
  • Pantothenic Acid- 10mg
  • Niacin- 10mg
  • Thiamine- 10mg
  • Vitamin B6- 5mg
  • Chromium- 100mcg

Glucomannan: One of the main active ingredients in this formulation is Glucomannan, a dietary soluble fiber with meager calories obtained from the elephant yam’s roots.

  • It absorbs water in your stomach and contributes to a feeling of fullness.
  • It causes increased satiety because it delays stomach emptying.
  • It also reduces the absorption of fats and protein.

Vitamin B12: The second ingredient in this supplement is Vitamin B12. It is one of the essential vitamins that play a vital role in several body functions, from DNA synthesis to RBC formation. But till now, no research study has supported the role of vitamin B12 in weight loss.

Riboflavin: I don’t know why they have added vitamin b2 to this formula because there is no concrete evidence of Riboflavin’s weight loss (Vitamin B2). However, vitamin B nutrients are regularly added to diet pills since they help separate body energy from food. This makes them valuable for boosting energy levels and preventing diet-related fatigue. 

Thiamine: Thiamine (B-1), for instance, enables the body cells to change carbohydrates into energy. Low degrees of at least one of these nutrients imply your digestion won’t be working at its best. This makes getting in shape much harder.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): The addition of this vitamin may help you shed some extra fats. Pantothenic acid facilitates the complete breakdown of fatty acids, and thus, the formation of ketone bodies could be prevented. As a result, the stored fat would release enough energy to relieve feelings of hunger and weakness that would otherwise be difficult to bear.

Niacin: This vitamin, also called vitamin b3, is a vital ingredient for your body to function correctly. It can be used for many health benefits, one of which is weight loss. It can treat high cholesterol levels, lower cholesterol levels and LDL, and raise good cholesterol, HDL. [1]

Vitamin B6: Vitamin b6, also known as pyridoxine, and is a water-soluble vitamin. It is an essential vitamin for many body functions, but no evidence supports the claim that this B6 will reduce your weight. So, this one is unnecessary in this supplement. 

Chromium: This one is also an essential trace element, and it is most commonly found in dietary supplements, but the question is, does it work for weight loss? According to a pilot study, Chromium can help you lose weight and increase lean body mass. [2]

Bottom Line: If you look at the ingredient list, you will see that only two of them can help you lose weight- Glucomannan and chromium.

Glucomannan helps you absorb a lot of water from the stomach, making you feel full longer and dispelling cravings for foods high in carbohydrates and sugars.

The other ingredient is chromium, which has a lot of support from the weight loss community. It can help settle your insulin response after eating dinner, causing you to feel less grumpy and tired. Since extraordinary glucose fluctuation frequently leads to food cravings, offsetting them with chromium has a good impact on your hunger.

The list of vitamins may be less useful in weight loss, but yes, they are great for general health, wellbeing, energy, and metabolism. Apart from these two ingredients, Overpwr doesn’t have any actual appetite suppressants.

I think Overpwr needs more core ingredients for weight loss, such as cayenne pepper seeds, ForsLean, and Garcinia cambogia.

Overpwr dose

It comes in a 60 capsule bottle. There is no recommended dose from the manufacturer, but as hunger strikes, you can take 1-3 pills with 450 ml of water. It’s important to use the correct amount of water for better results.

Pros and Cons of Overpwr

What I like about Overpwr?

  • It is stimulant-free. That’s why it can be used at any time of the day.
  • The chromium present in this supplement will help you reduce your blood sugar and energy crashes.
  • The company provides a money-back guarantee.
  • It is useful for both genders.
  • The B complex vitamins in the formula will help you promote your general health and wellbeing.
  • Overpwr can help you increase your metabolism.

What i don't like about it?

  • It lacks many core ingredients like cayenne and others important for an ideal weight loss and fat burner.
  • Glucomannan’s dose is 500mg per serving, and for effective appetite suppression, you need 1500-3000 mg per day.
  • The product has many unsatisfied customers.
  • It is expensive. For a 20-day supply, you will pay 40$, which could be a better value for money.
  • Amazon’s overall ratings are 3.3/5, which is very low, and most of the consumers criticize this product.

What do other people think about Overpwr?

  • The customer Overpwr reviews on Amazon are mixed but could be more satisfactory, and most of the consumers have added a negative review to this supplement.
  • The overall global rating on Amazon is 3.3/5 when the total reviews were 178.
  • One positive reviewer mentioned that this supplement works really well because it suppresses my appetite level, and now I am not eating more food.
  • Another reviewer, named Vaughnie, said that I love this supplement because I take 1-2 tablets before each meal, and then I eat considerably less food.
  • Derek McLaren on Amazon said that it didn’t work and was a waste of money and time.
  • I bought this supplement to control my appetite, but at the end of the day, like many other supplements, It didn’t work, and the price is also very high for this disappointing product.

What are the side effects of Overpwr?

Although it’s safe to use, as we know with every product, some side effects are associated, causing some adverse effects.

Here are some Overpwr side effects that the use of this supplement may cause.

  • It may increase your thirst level because it pulls water from the body to the stomach.
  • You may feel bloated because of the feeling of fullness.
  • It may also cause some minor stomach discomfort.
  • Flatulence may also occur.

It’s important to note that the Overpwr formula is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans.

Overpwr doesn’t contain any banned ingredient, but it’s noteworthy that you don’t use this supplement if you are a pregnant woman or plan to become pregnant.

It is also contraindicated in children and teens aged less than 18 years.

Where to Buy Overpwr?

The best place is obviously its official website, but you can also order it from Amazon and other online stores.

The price of this supplement on Amazon UK is around 44$, which is expensive for an appetite suppressant weight loss formula.

Does Overpwr appetite suppressant work?

After researching the ingredients and reading all the verified customer Overpwr reviews, our research team has concluded that it may work for some people. It contains Glucomannan, which absorbs more water in the stomach and will decrease your appetite. However, we are not fully satisfied with this brand, and the reason is that they have very negative feedback from the users. I also don’t recommend a supplement that doesn’t provide value for the money.

There are some rules to follow before buying any supplement.

  • Always buy a supplement that has medically proven ingredients. Overpwr has some perfect ingredients, so it passes this rule.
  • When buying a supplement, always check for USP labels like its potency, purity, and performance. Check if it is a third-party test and if it has passed all the tests. The product is genuine.
  • Another one is the supplement’s price; if it is worth the money and you can afford it, you can go for it.
  • Always do your research before buying any supplement.


I don’t recommend Overpwr because it doesn’t provide value for money; they will cost you 44 $, which is too much for a fiber supplement.

The second thing is that the glucomannan in this supplement is underdosed. It should be above 1500mg per serving.

It also lacks some key ingredients, which are a must for an ideal fat burner. I recommend a weight loss supplement that uses a full list of premium ingredients and has a clear label.

So, for me, this is not an IDEAL weight loss supplement.

Our #1 Recommendation

I recommend Burn Lab Pro because of its well-researched and cutting-edge ingredient list. Plus, it is a safe and effective way to burn more fat.

It also contains an additional constituent known as HMB. It is an athletic intensity booster that helps you burn more fat, preserves muscle, and enhances the lean body.

Burn Lab Pro is also clean and non-GMO, free from allergens, artificial colors, and flavor, and the best thing is Burn Lab Pro is eco-friendly.

It is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, and it is NSF and cGMP-compliant.

They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

After reading the Overpwr review, It’s now up to you if you want to buy Overpwr, and if you like our recommendation, go for BURN LAB PRO.


Burn Lab Pro

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Safe but have few side effects

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It safe to use

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