1. Salted, Pickled, and smoked Foods:
These products generally contain preservatives, like nitrates, that are meant to prolong period of time. The additives utilized in processed foods will accumulate in your body over time. Eventually, such toxins cause harm at the cellular level and cause diseases like cancer. once preserved foods are roasted at high temperatures, the nitrates are converted to the much more dangerous nitrites.
2. Microwave Popcorn:
From the chemically-lined bag to the particular contents, microwave popcorn is at the center of lung cancer debates round the world. Not solely are the kernels and oil likely GMO (which the manufacturer doesn’t got to disclose) unless organic, the fumes released from artificial butter flavourer contain diacetyl, that is poisonous to humans. create your own organic popcorn the old-fashioned way – it tastes better, doesn’t release poisonous fumes, and could be a healthier alternative for you.2. hydrogenated Oils: Vegetable oils are with chemicals extracted from their source, chemically treated, and more chemicals are added to alter the smell and taste. They’re filled with unhealthy omega-6 fatty acid fats (that Americans already consume way too much of) and are tested to change the structure of our cell membranes.3. Canned Goods: Most cans are lined with a product known as bisphenol-A (BPA), that has been shown to genetically alter the brain cells of rats. several plastic.
3. Hydrogenated Oils :
Vegetable oils are with chemicals extracted from their source, chemically treated, and more chemicals are added to alter the smell and taste. They’re filled with unhealthy omega-6 fatty acid fats (that Americans already consume way too much of) and are tested to change the structure of our cell membranes.3. Canned Goods: Most cans are lined with a product known as bisphenol-A (BPA), that has been shown to genetically alter the brain cells of rats. several plastic
4. Alcohol:
when tobacco use, alcohol abuse is that the leading cause of cancer. though it’s true that a moderate or low quantity of alcohol will truly reduce heart-disease risk, overindulgence may result in failure and stroke. And cancer. in a very meta-study, specialists working for the world Health Organization finished that excessive alcohol use is the main cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum and female breast cancers. stick with one glass of wine per day for ladies, 2 for men. go with one of these best wines for weight loss.5. process Red Meat: while grilled food will taste delicious, scientists have discovered that preparing meats in this manner – particularly processed meats like hot dogs – releases a carcinogen known as heterocyclic aromatic amines. once you grill red meat to the point of
5. Process Red Meat:
while grilled food will taste delicious, scientists have discovered that preparing meats in this manner – particularly processed meats like hot dogs – releases a carcinogen known as heterocyclic aromatic amines. once you grill red meat to the point of cooked, it changes the chemical and molecular structure of the meat. You’re at an advantage baking, broiling, or making ready meat in a skillet than on the grill.6. Soda and carbonated Beverages: Sodas are at the center of the health discussion for 2 decades as
6. Soda and carbonated Beverages:
Sodas are at the center of the health discussion for 2 decades as a significant cancer inflicting food. full of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and a number of different chemicals, they’re terribly bad for every side of your health. they supply zero nutritionary value and rob your body of the nutrients you get from different foods. Adding “diet” to the label suggests that you’re additionally likely consuming aspartame – that is not any better than rat poison to human cells.7. White Flour: once
Sodas are at the center of the health discussion for 2 decades as a significant cancer inflicting food. full of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and a number of different chemicals, they’re terribly bad for every side of your health. they supply zero nutritionary value and rob your body of the nutrients you get from different foods. Adding “diet” to the label suggests that you’re additionally likely consuming aspartame – that is not any better than rat poison to human cells.
7. Farmed Fish:
Studies have shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCBs, mercury and dioxins — 3 cancer-causing chemicals. commercial fish farming involves raising an unbelievable number of fish (such as salmon), in a very crowded setting. over 60 minutes of the salmon consumed in the united states comes from a farming operation wherever they’re treated with antibiotics, pesticides, and different carcinogenic chemicals to undertake and control the microorganism, viral, and parasitic outbreaks that result from cramming such a lot of fish in a very small area. Farmed fish additionally don’t have the maximum amount omega-3 fatty acid as wild salmon.
8. Refined Sugar:
The biggest cancer causing food (by far) is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and different refined sugars. Even refined sugar is extremely refined white sugar with a number of the removed molasses added back certain flavor and color. Refined sugars (and foods made with them) are the supply of major insulin spikes and feed the growth of cancer cells. Since the majority of the sugar offer within the U.S. is formed using genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets, a healthier choice is organic honey, coconut sugar, or maple sugar. currently that oncologists are using diabetes medication to fight cancer cells, there’s no doubt (finally) that those mutated cancer cells love sugar.
Source : thetruthaboutcancer