Along with Ebola, Zika and other famous notorious diseases Disease X was recently reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) was added as the killer, which could trigger a deadly global epidemic soon.
After meeting at the Geneva headquarters, met with health experts from around the world, the organization published its model list 2018 with priority diseases such as Ebola, Lassa fever, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), fever of Rift Valley (RVF) and Zika.
According to the WHO, the Blueprint aims to improve global coordination, accelerate research and development of certain diseases, develop standards and standards on a global scale and, in some contexts, promote the response plan.
“Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by an agent that currently does not know of any human disease,” said the WHO.
This enigmatic name “represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease,” according to the WHO.
It is the first time that the organization includes an unknown disease entry in its plan to create a global awareness of health professionals and communities.
According to a telegraph analysis, the sources of disease X could be experiments with biological weapons, animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans: zoonoses in general and the possible development of existing diseases.
In fact, previous sources such as the causes of some deadly diseases were revealed, which are known today, but when they are carried out for the first time, they were mysterious killers such as Ebola, HIV and even the smallpox virus.
The WHO said that all the diseases mentioned “pose significant risks to public health and more research and development is needed, including control and diagnosis”.
Outside of the 2018 Plan, the WHO also mentions dengue, yellow fever, HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, influenza, serious illness in humans, smallpox, cholera, leishmaniasis, West Nile and the plague, and said that research and development are necessary to take action against these diseases.