Blood pressure .
High pressure is very dangerous.It kills your brain, your heart, your eyes, and your kidneys. Do not let high blood pressure sneak up on you. get it tested. It’s simple; it’s cheap; and it’s fast.
Cholesterol Profile.
Do you have high cholesterol? find out a minimum of once every five years (more oftentimes if you are at risk for a heart attack). controlling your cholesterol will add years to your life.
Blood Sugar. Untreated diabetes will destroy your health, causing cardiovascular disease, renal disorder, and blindness. do not let it. Get a fasting blood glucose test at least once each 3 years and take control of diabetes early.
Screening colonoscopy is suggested for everybody at 50 years old.
Stepping on the scales.
At the age 40-50 most of the people start gaining weight. Watch this weight gain carefully, and fight back with healthier eating and exercise. Being overweight puts you at high risk for developing a number of diseases — and studies show that weight loss will improve your odds.
Looking for moles:
Love your skin. Check your skin monthly for any uncommon spots or moles. make certain to raise your doctor to see your skin once a year, as well.
Protecting your eyes.
Vision-robbing diseases become more common as you age. make sure to get your eyes examined frequently — each two to four years until age 54 so every 1 to 3 years after that. Go more often if you have got vision issues or risk factors for eye problems.
Checking your immunizations.
individuals over age fifty should get a flu shot once a year. and do not forget, even healthy individuals need a tetanus booster shot every 10 years, and one among those should contain the pertussis vaccine for whooping cough. make certain to ask your doctor to update any immunizations that you might need. consider hepatitis A and B vaccines if you haven’t already had them. And after age 60 you ought to be vaccinated against the herpes virus that causes shingles.
For women only:
Breast test and mammogram. At this age, do not ever let a year go by without obtaining a mammogram and having your doctor examine your breasts for any changes. Early detection of {breast cancer|carcinoma} can save your breast and your life.
Pelvic exam and pap smear. Combining a pap test with a person’s papillomavirus (HPV) test can safely extend the interval between cervical cancer screenings from 3 years to 5 years in many women between the ages of 30-65. women over age 65 will stop getting screened if they’ve had a minimum of 3 consecutive negative Pap tests or at least 2 negative HPV tests among the previous 10 years, according to the guidelines. however women who have risk factors for cervical cancer like smoking, a history of HPV, or a more advanced precancer diagnosis should still be screened till they reach the age of 80.
Source: Webmd